The world’s first military tested, whole home EMP protection device provides your entire home with 100% lightning protection. Built to exceed military standards, the EMP Shield is one of the fastest whole home surge protectors on the market, operating at 500 trillionths of a second.
The EMP Shield is designed to protect your home from lightning, solar flares, power surges, and electromagnetic pulses, making it a valuable addition for solar customers in Nashville looking to ensure their home grid is safe and secure.Â
EMP Shields comes with a 10 year, 100% lightning guarantee and $25,000 in insurance should the device fail.
What does EMP Shield do?
With EMP Shields you will have:
EMP Protection
EMP Protection All Phases an EMP (E1, E2, & E3)
Lightning Protection
100% Lightning Guarantee Backed By a $25,000 Insurance Policy
Solar Flare Protection
Up to 228,000 Amps
Why Do You Need EMP Shield?
If the grid goes down, your electrical equipment and home will still be functional with EMP Shield
EMP Shield will ensure your vehicle operates after an EMP
Your home will be 100% protected from lightning
Works with home solar power systems
Protect your home and belongings with EMP Shield today, a must-have for homeowners working with solar installers in Nashville!